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My heros

Last updated Aug 17, 2023 Edit Source

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Philip Wadler. Propositions as Types. Is math and programming languages invented, or discovered?

Ian Henry . His article on Fibonacci Matrix is amazing. When you think about the Fibonacci sequence do you think of a swirling vortex of points? You should! Lots of other good and fun stuffs as well. I am going through his workshops on clojure and visualization and I learned a lot

Charlie Munger. I wrote a note about his “latticework of models” 查理芒格的思维格栅 and it’s one of my favourites. It is a life-long learning process.

Andy Matuschak. His digital garden is the inspiration of this digital garden. And How to write good prompts is a magic spell to learning anything.

Just listing names I could think of but doesn’t mean they are less important! I am going to keep updating the page:

Ursula K. Le Guin

Jean Micheal Jarre

Sato Naoki

8-bit music theory